TGuide S96 Otomatik Nükleik Asit Çıkarıcı

Tek seferde 192 numunenin çıkarılmasıyla baştan sona çok yüksek.

TGuide S96 Otomatik Nükleik Asit Çıkarıcı, en son manyetik çubuk adsorpsiyonunu ve manyetik boncukları transfer etme yöntemini benimser. 1-192 kan/hücre/doku/virüs ve diğer numunelerden nükleik asidi otomatik olarak çıkarmak ve saflaştırmak için 96 derin kuyucuklu plakalar ve farklı türde manyetik boncuk ekstraksiyon reaktifleri uygulanır.

Bu ekstraktör, büyük hacimli numunelere iyi uyum sağlayan 24 flux modülü ile donatılabilir. TIANGEN önceden paketlenmiş reaktiflerle donatılmıştır ve aynı anda 1-24 numune alabilir. Cihaz tarafından işlenen maksimum numune hacmi 5 ml'dir. Serum ve plazmada serbest nükleik asit ekstraksiyonu için özellikle uygundur. Yüksek ekstraksiyon verimi ve iyi saflığa sahiptir ve tümör tespiti, NIPT vb. alanlarda kullanılabilir.

Kedi. Numara Paket boyutu
OSE-S96-01 1 Ayarlamak
OSE-S96-02 1 Takım
OSE-S96-03 1 Takım

Ürün ayrıntısı

Ürün etiketleri

Operasyon parametreleri

Operating Parameters



Çoklu Yüksek Verim ve Saflık Garantisi

Sirkülasyon adsorpsiyon modu, manyetik boncuk geri kazanım verimliliği ≥ %98
Ayarlanabilir hıza sahip sirkülasyon adsorpsiyon modu sayesinde, manyetik çubuğun yavaş iniş işlemi sırasında manyetik çubuğun ucuna manyetik boncuklar adsorbe edilir, böylece elüsyon hacminin küçük olması koşuluyla, eluent hala tüm manyetik alanı kaplayabilir. boncuklar ve birçok kez dolaşırlar ve küçük parçacık boyutlarına sahip manyetik boncuklar bile etkili bir şekilde adsorbe edilebilir.

Operating Parameters  Operating Parameters   Principle Principle  Multiple Guarantees of Ultra High Yield & Purity  Circulation adsorption mode, magnetic bead recovery efficiency ≥ 98% Through the circulation adsorption mode with adjustable speed, magnetic beads are adsorbed on the tip of the magnetic rod during the slow descending process of the magnetic rod, so that under the condition that the elution volume is small, the eluent can still cover all the magnetic beads and circulate for many times, and even the magnetic beads with small particle sizes can be effectively adsorbed.       Four-Dimensional Integrated Motion Mode Ensures The Best Blending Effect ■ The four-dimensional integrated motion mode of X/Y/Z motion of the mechanical arm integral module and vibration of the mixing parts ensures stable operation and high precision of the instrument; ■ The instrument has high oscillation frequency and adjustable multi-gear, which is suitable for different reagent integration schemes; ■ The vibration amplitude can be adaptively adjusted according to the solution volume set by the user, thus achieving the best experimental mixing effect. Professional Pollution Control & Safety Guarantee ■ UV sterilization module: It can ensure that the operation in the machine reaches a sterile environment; ■ Anti-aerosol fan: Keep the air in the instrument in circulation to avoid aerosol pollution; ■ Anti-dripping disc: Effectively avoid cross contamination between wells and plates; ■ Closed operation: If the door is opened accidentally, the instrument will automatically pause to ensure safety; ■ Disposable reagent consumables: To protect the safety of laboratory personnel and laboratory environment to the greatest extent. Reasonable Design of The Expandable Throughout The matrix arrangement of double row and four plate positions not only ensures the expandability of the experiment, but also reduces the occupied area of the instrument and effectively uses the space. Under limited conditions, it can be expanded to extract 192 samples at a time, ensuring a ultra-high throughput extraction capability. With double heating modules of lysis/elution, the extraction efficiency can be improved.        Intuitive and User-Friendly Human-Computer Interaction Interface The 10.1-inch touch computer is equipped with Windows system and touch operation, which is simple and easy to use, conforming to the user’s usage habits. The program setting takes full account of the experimental expansibility, multi-parameter free configuration, and large integration and development space. Product Guide for TGuide S96  Features ■ Extremely high throughout: 192 samples can be extracted in a single run. ■ Operation mode: 10.1-inch touch interface (Windows system) ■ Magnetic bead adsorption: Cycle adsorption, recovery efficiency ≥ 98% ■ Movement mode: Four-dimensional integrated movement, confirming the best mixing effect ■ Replaceable modules: A 24-flux modules can be provided, with flexible processing volume ■ Professional contamination prevention: Effective avoidance of cross-contamination between wells and plates

Dört Boyutlu Entegre Hareket Modu En İyi Karıştırma Etkisini Sağlar

■ Mekanik kol entegre modülünün X/Y/Z hareketinin dört boyutlu entegre hareket modu ve karıştırma parçalarının titreşimi, cihazın kararlı çalışmasını ve yüksek hassasiyetini sağlar;
■ Cihaz, farklı reaktif entegrasyon şemaları için uygun olan yüksek salınım frekansına ve ayarlanabilir çoklu dişliye sahiptir;
■ Titreşim genliği, kullanıcı tarafından ayarlanan çözelti hacmine göre uyarlanabilir şekilde ayarlanabilir, böylece en iyi deneysel karıştırma etkisi elde edilir.
Profesyonel Kirlilik Kontrolü ve Güvenlik Garantisi
■ UV sterilizasyon modülü: Makinede yapılan işlemin steril bir ortama ulaşmasını sağlayabilir;
■ Aerosol önleyici fan: Aerosol kirliliğini önlemek için cihazdaki havayı dolaşımda tutun;
■ Damlama önleyici disk: Kuyular ve plakalar arasında çapraz kontaminasyonu etkili bir şekilde önleyin;
■ Kapalı çalışma: Kapı yanlışlıkla açılırsa, güvenliği sağlamak için cihaz otomatik olarak duraklayacaktır;
■ Tek kullanımlık reaktif sarf malzemeleri: Laboratuvar personelinin ve laboratuvar ortamının güvenliğini en üst düzeyde korumak.
Boyunca Genişletilebilir Makul Tasarım
Çift sıra ve dört plaka konumunun matris düzenlemesi, yalnızca deneyin genişletilebilirliğini sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda cihazın işgal edilen alanını azaltır ve alanı etkin bir şekilde kullanır. Sınırlı koşullar altında, bir seferde 192 numuneyi çıkarmak için genişletilebilir, bu da ultra yüksek verimli ekstraksiyon kapasitesi sağlar. Parçalama/elüsyon için çift ısıtma modülleri ile ekstraksiyon verimliliği arttırılabilir.

Operating Parameters  Operating Parameters   Principle Principle  Multiple Guarantees of Ultra High Yield & Purity  Circulation adsorption mode, magnetic bead recovery efficiency ≥ 98% Through the circulation adsorption mode with adjustable speed, magnetic beads are adsorbed on the tip of the magnetic rod during the slow descending process of the magnetic rod, so that under the condition that the elution volume is small, the eluent can still cover all the magnetic beads and circulate for many times, and even the magnetic beads with small particle sizes can be effectively adsorbed.       Four-Dimensional Integrated Motion Mode Ensures The Best Blending Effect ■ The four-dimensional integrated motion mode of X/Y/Z motion of the mechanical arm integral module and vibration of the mixing parts ensures stable operation and high precision of the instrument; ■ The instrument has high oscillation frequency and adjustable multi-gear, which is suitable for different reagent integration schemes; ■ The vibration amplitude can be adaptively adjusted according to the solution volume set by the user, thus achieving the best experimental mixing effect. Professional Pollution Control & Safety Guarantee ■ UV sterilization module: It can ensure that the operation in the machine reaches a sterile environment; ■ Anti-aerosol fan: Keep the air in the instrument in circulation to avoid aerosol pollution; ■ Anti-dripping disc: Effectively avoid cross contamination between wells and plates; ■ Closed operation: If the door is opened accidentally, the instrument will automatically pause to ensure safety; ■ Disposable reagent consumables: To protect the safety of laboratory personnel and laboratory environment to the greatest extent. Reasonable Design of The Expandable Throughout The matrix arrangement of double row and four plate positions not only ensures the expandability of the experiment, but also reduces the occupied area of the instrument and effectively uses the space. Under limited conditions, it can be expanded to extract 192 samples at a time, ensuring a ultra-high throughput extraction capability. With double heating modules of lysis/elution, the extraction efficiency can be improved.        Intuitive and User-Friendly Human-Computer Interaction Interface The 10.1-inch touch computer is equipped with Windows system and touch operation, which is simple and easy to use, conforming to the user’s usage habits. The program setting takes full account of the experimental expansibility, multi-parameter free configuration, and large integration and development space. Product Guide for TGuide S96  Features ■ Extremely high throughout: 192 samples can be extracted in a single run. ■ Operation mode: 10.1-inch touch interface (Windows system) ■ Magnetic bead adsorption: Cycle adsorption, recovery efficiency ≥ 98% ■ Movement mode: Four-dimensional integrated movement, confirming the best mixing effect ■ Replaceable modules: A 24-flux modules can be provided, with flexible processing volume ■ Professional contamination prevention: Effective avoidance of cross-contamination between wells and plates

Sezgisel ve Kullanıcı Dostu İnsan-Bilgisayar Etkileşim Arayüzü
10.1 inçlik dokunmatik bilgisayar, kullanıcının kullanım alışkanlıklarına uygun, basit ve kullanımı kolay Windows sistemi ve dokunmatik çalışma ile donatılmıştır. Program ayarı, deneysel genişletilebilirliği, çok parametreli serbest konfigürasyonu ve büyük entegrasyon ve geliştirme alanını tam olarak hesaba katar.

TGuide S96 için Ürün Kılavuzu

Operating Parameters  Operating Parameters   Principle Principle  Multiple Guarantees of Ultra High Yield & Purity  Circulation adsorption mode, magnetic bead recovery efficiency ≥ 98% Through the circulation adsorption mode with adjustable speed, magnetic beads are adsorbed on the tip of the magnetic rod during the slow descending process of the magnetic rod, so that under the condition that the elution volume is small, the eluent can still cover all the magnetic beads and circulate for many times, and even the magnetic beads with small particle sizes can be effectively adsorbed.       Four-Dimensional Integrated Motion Mode Ensures The Best Blending Effect ■ The four-dimensional integrated motion mode of X/Y/Z motion of the mechanical arm integral module and vibration of the mixing parts ensures stable operation and high precision of the instrument; ■ The instrument has high oscillation frequency and adjustable multi-gear, which is suitable for different reagent integration schemes; ■ The vibration amplitude can be adaptively adjusted according to the solution volume set by the user, thus achieving the best experimental mixing effect. Professional Pollution Control & Safety Guarantee ■ UV sterilization module: It can ensure that the operation in the machine reaches a sterile environment; ■ Anti-aerosol fan: Keep the air in the instrument in circulation to avoid aerosol pollution; ■ Anti-dripping disc: Effectively avoid cross contamination between wells and plates; ■ Closed operation: If the door is opened accidentally, the instrument will automatically pause to ensure safety; ■ Disposable reagent consumables: To protect the safety of laboratory personnel and laboratory environment to the greatest extent. Reasonable Design of The Expandable Throughout The matrix arrangement of double row and four plate positions not only ensures the expandability of the experiment, but also reduces the occupied area of the instrument and effectively uses the space. Under limited conditions, it can be expanded to extract 192 samples at a time, ensuring a ultra-high throughput extraction capability. With double heating modules of lysis/elution, the extraction efficiency can be improved.        Intuitive and User-Friendly Human-Computer Interaction Interface The 10.1-inch touch computer is equipped with Windows system and touch operation, which is simple and easy to use, conforming to the user’s usage habits. The program setting takes full account of the experimental expansibility, multi-parameter free configuration, and large integration and development space. Product Guide for TGuide S96  Features ■ Extremely high throughout: 192 samples can be extracted in a single run. ■ Operation mode: 10.1-inch touch interface (Windows system) ■ Magnetic bead adsorption: Cycle adsorption, recovery efficiency ≥ 98% ■ Movement mode: Four-dimensional integrated movement, confirming the best mixing effect ■ Replaceable modules: A 24-flux modules can be provided, with flexible processing volume ■ Professional contamination prevention: Effective avoidance of cross-contamination between wells and plates


■ Boyunca son derece yüksek: Tek bir çalışmada 192 numune çıkarılabilir.
■ Çalışma modu: 10,1 inç dokunmatik arayüz (Windows sistemi)
■ Manyetik boncuk adsorpsiyonu: Döngü adsorpsiyonu, geri kazanım verimliliği ≥ %98
■ Hareket modu: En iyi karıştırma etkisini teyit eden dört boyutlu entegre hareket
■ Değiştirilebilir modüller: Esnek işlem hacmi ile 24 akışlı modüller sağlanabilir
■ Profesyonel kontaminasyon önleme: Kuyular ve plakalar arasında çapraz kontaminasyonun etkin şekilde önlenmesi

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